Marionette [2022-10-20 7.0] Release Notes

7.0 – 2022-10-20
– Buttons to open calibration patterns in menu.
– In-app walkthrough that shows the first time the user opens the app.
– Initial support for VRM files.
– Setting that hides all video/webcam output from the app.
– Initial version of real-time.

– Wrong colors of circles during calibration.
– Error message when opening a project fails.
– Issue where video paths were not shown when re-linking.
– Issue where position calibration was not writable under “advanced settings” in takes.

– Video sync to auto open when importing videos.
– Lens calibration to provide better feedback and accept poses are not exactly 100%, but close.
– Last used cameras and presets are now remembered between sessions.

6.0 – 2022-10-03
– Preview of what undistortion looks like after calibrating camera lens.
– Button to relink deleted/missing characters.
– A new calibration/recording workflow that guides the user through each step.
– AI assisted IK method that can be chosen when performing motion capture.
– Button that allows interpolating the motion between the poses at in and out.
– Experimental way to adjust “character rotation”/”floor calibration” based on character motion.
– Light intensity slider in settings menu.
– UI based on the image of a skeleton, for selecting which bones to record/interpolate/enable/pose correction.
– Option to try and force the character into a valid t-pose, when importing characters.
– Click and drag rectangle selection for the timeline.

– Issue where the recording screen would become unresponsive if no cameras were connected to the computer.
– Issue where creating multiple facial recordings would cause them to overwrite each other.
– Issue where selecting a broken microphone would make recording break.
– Issue where export would export audio from clips that are outside in and out markers.

– Lens calibration to be based on pattern poses generated in real-time to make it harder to produce invalid calibrations.
– Track override order to be in reverse order.

5.0 – 2022-08-08
– Button to start intrinsic calibration for a specific camera.
– Option to rotate the currently selected rig by holding “CTRL+Right Mouse Button” and dragging the mouse.
– Prompt window after position calibration that allows for visual inspection of the calibration and fixing calibration ambiguities.

– Issue with “selected rig outline” on models with multiple materials.

– Position calibration now works with a more stable checkerboard pattern instead of the previous ChAruCo pattern. The previous pattern is still available from the settings menu.
– Changed “auto-play timeline when recording” to a toggleable setting.

4.6 – 2022-07-14
– Mocap values would sometimes be out of sync with the video/each other.

– Increase precision of camera calibration values.

– Automatic camera selection based on how well the camera tracks. The current implementation provides poor quality for some scenarios. A new version is underway which addresses these issues. The feature has been temporarily disabled in the meantime.

4.5 – 2022-07-07
– Videos not looping between in/out
– Creating a new avatar mapping
– Deleting a saved avatar mapping preset

– Various UI updates
– Recording happens in record mode
– Imported rigs and their settings have been moved in contextual panel
– Recording of facial capture – from rig specific to a general raw data recording

– Sliders to adjust blendshapes/eyes post recording
– FPS counter in recording mode

4.4 – 2022-06-24
– Fix wrong video playback when seeking while the videos are buffering.

4.3 – 2022-06-23
– Loading project error introduced in 4.2 as part of removing VR functionality.

– Set software target framerate to 60 fps to lower CPU usage.
– Dynamically lower/increase rendering frequency to lower CPU usage in cases where software is idle/in use.
– Hotkeys to correct character orientation.
– Facial steaming recording toggle to recording panel.

– Recorded takes in app can now also access the advanced calibration settings and see the calibration values separate from presets.
– Character root has been moved from “lower body” to “upper body”. This means when not sampling the lower body, character still has root motion.
– Facial steaming recording now happens along camera recording.
– Scrolling sensitivity across UI dropdown elements.
– Changed recorded video location to avoid “Access denied” errors. Videos are now saved under MyDocuments/Marionette.

– Obsolete hotkeys.
– Legacy Lens calibration. Lens Calibration now relies purely on presets.
– Dedicated facial steaming recording UI button.

– Improve license detection system.

4.2 – 2022-06-10
– Use an installer instead of distributing the program as a zip file.

– Bug with right side of screen not being detected properly.
– Specific cases resulting in wrongly displayed videos in Takes.
– Infinite video buffering in both Timeline and Takes.
– Overflowing path text of “Assets in project”.
– Video sync “+/-” buttons wrongly updating frames when video and user framerate differ.

– Pre-buffering videos of next clip on the timeline.
– VR functionality.

4.1 – 2022-06-02
– Display the entire license, instead of just half.

4.0 – 2022-06-02
– Fix the automatic video synchronization that synchronizes on the video’s audio.
It is precise down 1 frame and can be adjusted manually if necessary.

– Update terms of service to reflect the pilot program.

Known Issues
– The recorded videos can be up to 10 frames out of sync with the video. This does not affect the motion capture.
– Video playback on the timeline is out of sync with the 2D motion capture visualization.

3.0 – 2022-06-01
First public release.

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