Subscription FAQs

Subscription Plans

We offer a Free version for anyone to try out the software, Indie, Pro, and an Educational license upon agreement.

  • Free: $0
  • Indie: $149 per year
  • Studio: $349 per year
  • Educational: Upon Agreement
Billing Plans

Currently, we only have yearly billing plans.

License Information

Each license contains 1 activation.

You can see your current license type by going to menu->settings within Marionette.

If you need to update your license, go to menu->settings->change license within Marionette.

If you have changed computers and need to activate Marionette on a new computer, you will get the option to delete the current activation from the old computer. This occurs when you put your license code into Marionette.

I Lost My License

FastSpring handles all of Marionette’s fulfillments. Please visit the following link to manage your subscription:

I Need To Change My Subscription

FastSpring handles all of Marionette’s fulfillments. Please visit the following link to manage your subscription:

Can I test an FBX before I purchase a license?

Yes, you can! Once you download the software, navigate to:

C:\Program Files\Marionette\Marionette_Data\StreamingAssets\DemoAssets\Characters

Here, you can see and test out all our default characters in Marionette with other programs.

General FAQs

How Do I Use Marionette?

Please visit our YouTube page for our video tutorial. It will take you through motion capturing for the first time and introduce you to different parts of the software.


Tutorials are available on our YouTube page.

If you are having a specific issue, feel free to sign up to our DISCORD and ask the community!

Where Can I Get Help?

For the quickest way to get help from Marionette staff and community, please join our DISCORD server.


If you are unable to join our server, send us an email here.

Technical FAQs

Do I Need Cloud Credits & Cloud Uploading?

Marionette does NOT use Cloud Credits and does NOT make you upload to the Cloud.

You pay a flat, yearly fee, and can export as much motion capture animation as you like! There are no limits on exporting!

Camera Specifications

We recement recording with mobile phone cameras however any video that meets the following criteria should work in Marionette:

  • Resolution: 720p or higher.

  • Placement: Standing still (the camera cannot have movement or it will obstruct the motion)

  • FPS: 30 fps or 60 fps.

  • Distortion : Undistorted (If the video is distorted, the movement cannot be captured correctly. For example, a fisheye lens will distort the image and cannot be used because it will distort the motion. However, most mobile phone wide angle lenses are undistorted form the manufacture.)

Computer Specifications

OS: Windows
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 745 or newer.

We do not currently support AMD or CPU only.

Multi-Tracking / Multiple Person Tracking

Multi-tracking or multiple person tracking is not available at the moment. We are working on implementing this in the future.

Do I Need A Green Screen?

Green screens, clean backgrounds, and messy backgrounds are all acceptable video environments. As long as there is only one person in the video, Marionette will not have a problem.

Can Marionette Be Run Offline?

Marionette runs completely on your desktop computer and can also be run offline.

What Formats Can I Export In?

Animation export options vary by subscription:

  • Free: No export capabilities
  • Indie, Pro, & Educational: Stream to Blender & Maya through our plugins or export baked motion to FBX, GLTF, & GLB

You will only be able to export by the type of character import you have. For example, if you use a GLB or import a GLB to use, it will ONLY export a GLB. Marionette does not perform conversions.

Our default character is FBX. You can export your animations with our default character and extract the animation for use elsewhere, if needed.

Exporting Camera Data

Marionette does not export camera data.

Calibration Troubleshooting

“Failed to find human/pattern in all videos”: This means that the frame you have calibrated on cannot detect a human form. Select a different frame to calibrate on, one where the human form is more visible and motion blur is minimal. You can do this by selecting a different position on the Take Preview timeline (your video).

My Animation Doesn't Stream To Blender
  1. Make sure you assign all the bones before pressing Connect inside Blender.
  2. Make sure that the “Hips” bone has been assigned.
  3. If the issue persists, please send us a video capture of your process and your project file to help us troubleshoot your issue.
I Need To Move Marionette To A New Computer

If you have changed computers and need to activate Marionette on a new computer, you will get the option to delete the current activation from the old computer. This occurs when you put your license code into Marionette.

Can I test an FBX before I purchase a license?

Yes, you can! Once you download the software, navigate to:

C:\Program Files\Marionette\Marionette_Data\StreamingAssets\DemoAssets\Characters

Here, you can see and test out all our default characters in Marionette with other programs.

Maya - Script Editor Error

If you receive a script editor error when using Marionette’s plugin in Maya, you will need to upgrade to Maya version 2023 or newer. We do not support earlier versions of Maya.

If you are still receiving an error, please contact us for help.